The time it took was irrespective to their address sequence. Magnetic disc is a form of storage which provides the convenience of random access. See Sequential access. 所需的时间与数据所在的地址次序无关。磁碟便是一种提供即时存取方便的贮记器。参阅顺序存取。
The movement of data from fast-access storage ( magnetic disc) to storage of lower access speed ( magnetic tape). 数据由快速存取存储器(磁盘)传送到存取速度较低的存储器(磁带)的过程。
A single file ( unit of magnetic disc or magnetic tape storage) that holds the input data for a job and to which the results are written. 一种以磁盘或磁带存储器为单位的文件,既可存放作业的输入数据,又可存放结果。
To use an intermediate storage ( magnetic disc) when making a data transfer between highspeed storage ( usually main storage) and a device that operates at a lower speed. 当高速存储器(通常是内存)和低速运行的(外部)设备之间进行数据传送时,利用中间存储器(磁盘)作缓冲(的技术或过程)。